Translating Tidyverse to Python

I started this jupyter notebook to help me learn to (1) use both Python and R in one Jupyter notebook and (2) translate tidyverse syntax into Python (specifically pandas & seaborn) syntax. I figured I would post it in the hopes it might be helpful to someone else. Also, I wanted to learn how to post a jupyter notebook on this website.

Helpful links:


import warnings
%reload_ext rpy2.ipython
%R library(tidyverse)
array(['bindrcpp', 'dplyr', 'purrr', 'readr', 'tidyr', 'tibble', 'ggplot2',
       'tidyverse', 'tools', 'stats', 'graphics', 'grDevices', 'utils',
       'datasets', 'methods', 'base'],
# Load in the pandas library
import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

Make some fake data

df = pd.DataFrame({'Alphabet': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd','e', 'f', 'g', 'h','i'],
                   'A': [4, 3, 5, 2, 1, 7, 7, 5, 9],
                   'B': [0, 4, 3, 6, 7, 10,11, 9, 13],
                   'C': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]})

Glimpse & Summarize

%R glimpse(df)
function (x, df1, df2, ncp, log = FALSE)  
A Alphabet B C
0 4 a 0 1
1 3 b 4 2
2 5 c 3 3
3 2 d 6 1
4 1 e 7 2
%%R -i df 
       A            Alphabet       B            C    
 Min.   :1.000   a      :1   Min.   : 0   Min.   :1  
 1st Qu.:3.000   b      :1   1st Qu.: 4   1st Qu.:1  
 Median :5.000   c      :1   Median : 7   Median :2  
 Mean   :4.778   d      :1   Mean   : 7   Mean   :2  
 3rd Qu.:7.000   e      :1   3rd Qu.:10   3rd Qu.:3  
 Max.   :9.000   f      :1   Max.   :13   Max.   :3  
                 (Other):3                   = True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 9 entries, 0 to 8
Data columns (total 4 columns):
A           9 non-null int64
Alphabet    9 non-null object
B           9 non-null int64
C           9 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(3), object(1)
memory usage: 360.0+ bytes


%R df %>% filter(A > 2)
A Alphabet B C
1 4 a 0 1
2 3 b 4 2
3 5 c 3 3
4 7 f 10 3
5 7 g 11 1
6 5 h 9 2
7 9 i 13 3
df[df.A > 2]
A Alphabet B C
0 4 a 0 1
1 3 b 4 2
2 5 c 3 3
5 7 f 10 3
6 7 g 11 1
7 5 h 9 2
8 9 i 13 3

Slice & Select

%R df %>% slice(4:5)
A Alphabet B C
1 2 d 6 1
2 1 e 7 2
df.loc[3:4,:] # Note: if slicing only one row, use df.loc[[3],:]
A Alphabet B C
3 2 d 6 1
4 1 e 7 2
%R df %>% select(A:B)
A Alphabet B
0 4 a 0
1 3 b 4
2 5 c 3
3 2 d 6
4 1 e 7
5 7 f 10
6 7 g 11
7 5 h 9
8 9 i 13
df.loc[:, "A":"B"] # Select non-adjacent columns with df.loc[:, ["A","B"]]
A Alphabet B
0 4 a 0
1 3 b 4
2 5 c 3
3 2 d 6
4 1 e 7
5 7 f 10
6 7 g 11
7 5 h 9
8 9 i 13
%R df %>% select(-A)
Alphabet B C
0 a 0 1
1 b 4 2
2 c 3 3
3 d 6 1
4 e 7 2
5 f 10 3
6 g 11 1
7 h 9 2
8 i 13 3
df.drop(labels = ["A"], axis = 1) # Can use columns = ["A"] in Python 3 / Pandas 0.21.0.
Alphabet B C
0 a 0 1
1 b 4 2
2 c 3 3
3 d 6 1
4 e 7 2
5 f 10 3
6 g 11 1
7 h 9 2
8 i 13 3

Arrange / Sort

%R df %>% arrange(desc(A))
A Alphabet B C
1 9 i 13 3
2 7 f 10 3
3 7 g 11 1
4 5 c 3 3
5 5 h 9 2
6 4 a 0 1
7 3 b 4 2
8 2 d 6 1
9 1 e 7 2
df.sort_values(by="A", ascending=False) 
A Alphabet B C
8 9 i 13 3
5 7 f 10 3
6 7 g 11 1
2 5 c 3 3
7 5 h 9 2
0 4 a 0 1
1 3 b 4 2
3 2 d 6 1
4 1 e 7 2


%R df %>% mutate(AoverC = A / C, Bplus1 = B + 1)
A Alphabet B C AoverC Bplus1
1 4 a 0 1 4.000000 1.0
2 3 b 4 2 1.500000 5.0
3 5 c 3 3 1.666667 4.0
4 2 d 6 1 2.000000 7.0
5 1 e 7 2 0.500000 8.0
6 7 f 10 3 2.333333 11.0
7 7 g 11 1 7.000000 12.0
8 5 h 9 2 2.500000 10.0
9 9 i 13 3 3.000000 14.0
df.assign(AoverC = df.A / df.C, Bplus1 = lambda df: df["B"] + 1 )
A Alphabet B C AoverC Bplus1
0 4 a 0 1 4.000000 1
1 3 b 4 2 1.500000 5
2 5 c 3 3 1.666667 4
3 2 d 6 1 2.000000 7
4 1 e 7 2 0.500000 8
5 7 f 10 3 2.333333 11
6 7 g 11 1 7.000000 12
7 5 h 9 2 2.500000 10
8 9 i 13 3 3.000000 14

To use functions that are NOT vectorized

%%R -i df
is_b <- function(letter) { letter == "b" } # Pretend this function doesn't work on vectors
df %>% 
    rowwise %>% 
    mutate(is_Alphabet_b = is_b(Alphabet))
Source: local data frame [9 x 5]
Groups: <by row>

# A tibble: 9 x 5
      A Alphabet     B     C is_Alphabet_b
  <int>   <fctr> <int> <int>         <lgl>
1     4        a     0     1         FALSE
2     3        b     4     2          TRUE
3     5        c     3     3         FALSE
4     2        d     6     1         FALSE
5     1        e     7     2         FALSE
6     7        f    10     3         FALSE
7     7        g    11     1         FALSE
8     5        h     9     2         FALSE
9     9        i    13     3         FALSE
def is_b(letter):
    return letter == "b" # Again, pretend not vectorized

    is_Alphabet_b = lambda df: df.Alphabet.apply(is_b) 
A Alphabet B C is_Alphabet_b
0 4 a 0 1 False
1 3 b 4 2 True
2 5 c 3 3 False
3 2 d 6 1 False
4 1 e 7 2 False
5 7 f 10 3 False
6 7 g 11 1 False
7 5 h 9 2 False
8 9 i 13 3 False

Grouping & Summarizing

%%R -i df
df %>% 
    group_by(C) %>%
    summarize(avg_A = mean(A), mean_B = mean(B))
# A tibble: 3 x 3
      C    avg_A   mean_B
  <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1 4.333333 5.666667
2     2 3.000000 6.666667
3     3 7.000000 8.666667
  .agg({'A' : ['mean'], 'B' : ['mean']})
mean mean
1 4.333333 5.666667
2 3.000000 6.666667
3 7.000000 8.666667

This is super nasty. I hope I can find something better or will need to practice with this a lot.


First I’ll create a second fake dataset to join

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Group': ["First", "Second", "Third"],
                   'C': [1, 2, 3]})
%%R -i df,df2
df %>% left_join(df2, by = "C")
  A Alphabet  B C  Group
1 4        a  0 1  First
2 3        b  4 2 Second
3 5        c  3 3  Third
4 2        d  6 1  First
5 1        e  7 2 Second
6 7        f 10 3  Third
7 7        g 11 1  First
8 5        h  9 2 Second
9 9        i 13 3  Third
df.merge(df2, how = "left", on = "C")
A Alphabet B C Group
0 4 a 0 1 First
1 3 b 4 2 Second
2 5 c 3 3 Third
3 2 d 6 1 First
4 1 e 7 2 Second
5 7 f 10 3 Third
6 7 g 11 1 First
7 5 h 9 2 Second
8 9 i 13 3 Third


%%R -i df
df %>%
    ggplot() + 
    geom_point(aes(x=A, y=B, color=factor(C)), size = 2)


sns.relplot(x="A", y="B", hue="C", data=df,
           palette = sns.color_palette(n_colors = 3))
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x11cd56e10>


Sam Robertson
Ph.D. Student
